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Valid biomarker signatures from liquid biopsies – how to standardise NGS

6 December 2016 | By , ,

The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques has revolutionised transcriptomics research and opened numerous avenues for scientific and clinical applications. While reverse transcriptase quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is still considered the gold standard of gene expression analysis, its high throughput, single-nucleotide resolution and ever-plummeting costs have made NGS…


Pushing the limits of protein expression with miRNAs

17 March 2016 | By , ,

Biopharmaceuticals are highly complex protein drugs such as antibodies, cytokines and peptide hormones, which are used for a variety of indication areas, including immunology, neurology, metabolic diseases and cancer. These modern protein drugs may hinder progression of a disease, ease symptoms or assure – in the case of chronic diseases…