Application note: Cellartis® Power™ Primary HEP Medium – extend functionality of your primary hepatocytes to 4 weeks
Human primary hepatocytes (hphep cells) are the gold standard for in vitro evaluation of drug metabolism, drug-drug interactions, safety assessment of drug candidates, and disease modeling.
However, a significant limitation of hphep cells is their rapid loss of function when cultured in vitro. To enable long-term cultures of primary hepatocytes in user-friendly 2D-culture formats, we developed Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium (Power HEP medium), a new medium that maintains healthy, functional human primary hepatocytes for up to four weeks in conventional 2D cultures – without the need of overlays or sandwich cultures – overcoming a key limitation of hphep cells. Furthermore, the recommended culture schedule is weekend-free, requiring media changes only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
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