news Role of enzyme in reactivating neural stem cells in models identified 12 February 2021 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) An enzyme in fruit fly larvae plays a role in reactivating neural stem cells, which could explain how some neurodevelopmental disorders occur.
news Researchers identify how Zika infects foetuses and a potential drug to prevent it 4 February 2021 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) According to scientists, maternal cells act as a reservoir for Zika, enabling the virus to pass from mother to foetus during pregnancy.
news Scientists identify 7 proteins that make Zika so deadly 3 January 2017 | By Niamh Marriott (Drug Target Review) A new study by scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified seven key proteins in the virus that may be the culprits behind its damaging effects.