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Sarwar Beg



Rahman M, et al. Inflammatory biomarkers as a herbal anti-arthritic drug discovery tool. Drug Target Review. 2017;3:16-18

References Anderson KO et al. Rheumatoid arthritis: review of psychological…

12 July 2017 | By

References Anderson KO et al. Rheumatoid arthritis: review of psychological factors related to etiology, effects, and treatment. Psychol Bull. 1985;98:358–387. Scrivo R et al. The immunology of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007;1108:312–322. Rahman M et al. Emergence of lipid based vesicular carriers as nanoscale pharmacotherapy in rheumatoid…


Screening In-Depth Focus 2017

Included in this Screening In-Depth Focus: Phenotypic and target-based screening;…

5 June 2017 | By

Included in this Screening In-Depth Focus: Phenotypic and target-based screening; Killing cancer cells using clinical drug resistance; Inflammatory biomarkers as a herbal anti-arthritic drug discovery tool...


Biomarkers as molecular footprints for cancer therapy: current perspectives and promises

Knowledge about cancer biomarkers has increased tremendously and provides clinicians…

3 December 2015 | By , , ,

Knowledge about cancer biomarkers has increased tremendously and provides clinicians and researchers with valued opportunities to understand the molecular mechanism of cancer, thus applying it to effective, early-stage diagnosis and treatment. Cancer biomarkers include a vast range of biochemical molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, sugars, lipids, small metabolites, cytogenetic…