news Alliance to create atlas of human genetic variants launched 6 April 2021 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) The Atlas of Variant Effects Alliance will develop a map of human genetic variants to advance the understanding and treatment of disease.
news Targeting PEG2 reverses age-related cognitive decline in mice 21 January 2021 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) The discovery of an inflammatory pathway promoting brain ageing and cognitive decline could lead to new treatments for age-related conditions.
news New generation of CAR T cells developed 6 December 2019 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) Researchers have reprogrammed CAR T cells to prevent them becoming exhausted after prolonged activity, presenting a possible new therapy for solid tumours.
news New target identified for vestibular diseases 10 July 2019 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have discovered a potential treatment for vestibular conditions such as dizziness in animal models.
news Antibody treatment allows mismatched stem cell transplant in mice 18 June 2019 | By Drug Target Review New study finds a combination of antibodies that can prepare mice to accept stem cells from an immunologically mismatched donor.
news Skeletal stem cells de-differentiate to achieve extensive growth 1 November 2018 | By Drug Target Review Researchers in the U.S. have discovered that skeletal stem cells in the jaws of adult mice de-differentiate when tasked with regenerating large portions of bone and tissue.
news Chromatin study unearths link between DNA-protein binding and cancer 31 October 2018 | By Drug Target Review A team of scientists led by Stanford University School of Medicine has identified a link between how proteins bind to our DNA and how cancer develops. This finding may allow researchers to predict cancer pathways and long-term patient outcomes.
news A step closer to preventing autoimmune response to gene therapy 4 September 2018 | By Drug Target Review Scientists in the U.S. have demonstrated an effective means of administering gene therapy in mice, without the dangerous autoimmune reaction that often occurs.
news Imaging agent helps predict success of lung cancer therapy 9 March 2018 | By Drug Target Review Doctors may soon be able to predict the efficacy of a widely used lung cancer drug based on an imaging agent and a simple scan.
news iPS cells could serve as an effective cancer vaccine 19 February 2018 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) A study in mice has suggested that iPS cells may train the immune system to attack or even prevent tumours...
news Specific set of nerve cells controls seizures’ spread through brain 16 February 2018 | By Drug Target Review Experimental activation of a small set of nerve cells in the brain prevents convulsive seizures in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
news Fluorescent imaging with cetuximab safely used in glioblastoma patients 25 October 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) Antibody-based infrared fluorescent imaging can specifically distinguish cancer from normal tissue in patients with glioblastoma...
news Blood test to transform the way cancer is monitored and treated 14 August 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) Scientists have described a new type of test that can detect genetic mutations in minute amounts of DNA...
news Possible new target for psoriasis identified 13 June 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer A small protein in the skin called Rac1 appears to link well-known environmental triggers of the disease with a genetic predisposition to the condition...
news Scientists develop technique for viewing cells and tissues in 3D under the skin 21 March 2016 | By Victoria White The MOZART technique could allow scientists to detect tumours in the skin or see abnormal blood vessels from the early stages of macular degeneration...