Tech note: Practical tips for cellular quantification and imaging using Thermo Scientific Varioskan LUX multimode reader and Invitrogen EVOS FL Auto Cell Imaging System
This technical note offers practical tips for facilitating the use of Thermo ScientificTM VarioskanTM LUX multimode reader and InvitrogenTM EVOSTM FL Auto Cell Imaging System with the goal of achieving successful cellular quantification and imaging of mammalian cells in microplate-based assays…
Researchers can get a significant improvement of the relevance of their microplate cell-based assays when combining imaging with quantitative data. The use of a multiplicity of parameters originating from different assays and/or endpoints has proven a valuable strategy for achieving a deeper level of understanding of complex cellular events. Particularly in drug discovery, this orthogonal approach has become a popular trend over the last years, coupled, at least in part, with a sustained re-emergence of phenotypic screening. To meet the demands of this new trend, Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a solution that combines Varioskan LUX multimode reader with EVOS FL Auto Cell Imaging System. Here, key practical instructions are given to aid researchers in successfully implementing this strategy. These tips are applicable to virtually any type of mammalian cellular cultures.
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