Application Note: Exploration of microbial communities using the Thermo Scientific Varioskan LUX Multimode Reader and the Invitrogen EVOS FL Cell Imaging System
This application note demonstrates the feasibility of combining the Thermo Scientific™ Varioskan™ LUX multimode reader and Invitrogen™ EVOS™ FL Cell Imaging System for the fluorescence-based quantification and imaging of complex biological systems, without requiring separate assay optimisation…
One of the most groundbreaking discoveries over the last 40 years has been the recognition of microbial biofilms as the predominant lifestyle of microorganisms, outside laboratory conditions. Bacterial biofilms are defined as aggregated, often sessile bacteria, which differ from free-floating cells by their slow growth and tolerance to antibiotics and immune cells.
It is estimated that over 65% of microbial infections are biofilm-mediated, conferring biofilms a high clinical relevance.
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