Green tea compound helps siRNA slip inside cells
Researchers have found a surprising use for EGCG: sneaking therapeutic RNAs into cells...
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Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate, or catalyse, chemical reactions.
Researchers have found a surprising use for EGCG: sneaking therapeutic RNAs into cells...
Due to the crucial role of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in mediating cellular responses to external stimuli, these receptors have been and will remain a prime focus for medical research and the pharmaceutical industry for many years to come. Their importance is especially highlighted by the statistic that 30-50% of…
Researchers have identified a protein involved in milk production that could ultimately serve as a target for novel therapies to treat breast cancer...
Scientists have shared a new method that aims to accelerate the discovery of chemical compounds that inhibit a particular enzyme implicated in several cancers.
Researchers in the U.S. have identified a new link between epigenetic changes in the brains of rats and resulting translational control during fear memory reconsolidation.
Researchers in the U.S. have devised a novel strategy to effectively identify those individuals with mild cognitive impairment that will most likely go on to develop Alzheimer's disease.
In this application note we will show how a cAMP BRET biosensor can be used to monitor ligand binding with the help of the CLARIOstar microplate reader...
Researchers identify new treatment targets for diseases associated with endothelial cell senescence, or ageing, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and age-related disorders...
Researchers have conducted promising preclinical experiments on a compound that could be used to treat Wilson's disease...
A new study by the University of Arizona (UA) suggests that revealing all the steps required to activate an enzyme called a protein kinase may help identify new ways to target cancer.
Research could help lead to the design of drugs that slow neurodegeneration...
Sanford Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) researchers recently discovered an alternative metabolic pathway that might be used by cancer cells to survive nutrient deprivation.
Combination therapy co-targeting the mitochondria enhances the antitumour effect of telomerase inhibition in NRAS-mutant melanoma.
One way to fight diseases including HIV infection and autoimmune disorders could involve changing how a naturally occurring enzyme called SAMHD1 works...
Saint Louis University researchers have had success in an animal model in turning off the excruciating pain that often accompanies a colorectal cancer drug.