whitepaper Product hub: Experience flexibility in your primate studies 30 September 2021 | By Merck KGaA Save time by measuring 48 immune factors, generating more than 1,800 data points from a single plate, with a small sample volume.
news Greasy hair proves to be an unexpected possibility for obesity treatment 30 July 2021 | By Anna Begley (Drug Target Review) Researchers have revealed that the immune system of obese mice treated with TSLP released lipids through sebaceous glands.
news Asthma vaccine shows success in pre-clinical studies 18 May 2021 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) A new conjugate vaccine has shown promise at protecting mice against the effects of cytokines associated with asthma.
whitepaper Catalogue: Drug target reagents 20 April 2021 | By Sino Biological Inc. 5,000+ drug target reagents for antibody, small molecule drug discovery and development, including immune checkpoints, cytokines and kinases.
article Targeting TNF to treat Dupuytren’s disease, frozen shoulder and POCD 20 April 2021 | By Dr James Woody (180 Life Sciences) Dr James Woody discusses off-patent indications for anti-TNF to address unmet patient needs in pain, inflammation and beyond.
news Self-assembling nanofibres could prevent damage from inflammation 15 April 2021 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) A team has demonstrated in mouse models that a self-assembling nanofibre material could limit the damage caused by cytokines in inflammatory diseases.
article Preventing stem cells from transforming into pre-leukaemia stem cells 1 February 2021 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have discovered that two enzymes called APOBEC3C and ADAR1 work together to fuel the transition from pre-cancer stem cells to cancer stem cells in leukaemia.
news Drug target to tackle COVID-19 inflammatory processes identified 2 December 2020 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have shown that the presence of the inflammasome mediated by NLRP3 is a marker and drug target for COVID-19-related cytokine storms.
article Development of a physiologically relevant lung model for understanding SARS-CoV-2 infection 27 November 2020 | By Professor Lyle Armstrong (Newcastle University and Newcells Biotech) COVID-19 is known to infect the lungs; however, the dynamics of viral infection and replication are poorly understood. Alongside the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Professor Lyle Armstrong and colleagues have been working to develop a human lung epithelium model of SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication. In this article, he describes…
news Potential strategy to treat COVID-19-related cytokine storms identified 19 November 2020 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have found that neutralising antibodies for the TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma cytokines can prevent death from SARS-CoV-2 in mice.
news Cellular senescence as a drug target 27 October 2020 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) New research reveals that age-related declines in cellular function and proliferation occur in multiple stages, accompanied by different inflammatory responses.
article Treating cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients 23 October 2020 | By Dr Fiona McCann (CannBioRx Life Sciences), Dr H Michael Shepard (Enosi Life Sciences), Sir Marc Feldmann (Enosi Life Sciences) Enosi Life Science researchers Sir Marc Feldmann, Dr H Michael Shepard and Dr Fiona McCann explain why anti-TNF therapies may be effective in treating COVID-19 associated cytokine storms and other inflammatory conditions.
news Severe COVID-19 symptoms may not be caused by cytokine storm 22 October 2020 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) An analysis reveals that in comparison to other inflammatory diseases such as cytokine-release syndrome (CRS) and sepsis, the levels of cytokines in severely ill COVID-19 patients is low.
news Two cytokines found to cure and prevent rotavirus infection in mice 5 October 2020 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have found that the cytokines IL-18 and IL-22 can combat and cure rotavirus infections in mice.
news 4-PBA could prevent cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 21 September 2020 | By Hannah Balfour (Drug Target Review) Scientists explore whether the anti-stress drug, 4-Phenylbutiric acid (4-PBA), could prevent cytokine storms causing respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients.