news Assay reveals potency of neutralising antibodies in COVID-19 patients 17 December 2020 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Researchers have shown that neutralising antibodies developed in COVID-19 patients were less potent if from those with severe or fatal disease.
news One-step method developed to generate mice for vaccine research 15 December 2020 | By Victoria Rees (Drug Target Review) Using CRISPR-Cas9, scientists have developed a new method for generating mouse lines for vaccine research in just a few weeks.
news Genetic alterations linked to drug resistance revealed by liquid biopsies 10 September 2019 | By Rachael Harper (Drug Target Review) A clinical study comparing liquid and tissue biopsies finds multiple resistance mechanisms in individual patients.
news Researchers advance cell therapy for diabetes 8 May 2019 | By Drug Target Review Harvard-led research boosts the yield of insulin-producing cells for diabetes therapy.
news Researchers produce the first draft cell atlas of the small intestine 8 November 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) By surveying gene expression, researchers have created a reference atlas for understanding the biology of inflammatory bowel disease and food allergies, among other conditions...
news New techniques give blood biopsies greater promise 6 November 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) Improved methods validate the use of blood samples for studying patients' cancer genomes
news CRISPR-engineered cancer model to test therapeutics 5 October 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) A new technique for modelling leukaemia may aid drug discovery...