Catalogue: Nuclease-Free tubes, tips & buffers
Working with RNA requires rigorous nuclease contamination controls in place. Stock up on Nuclease-Free tubes tips and buffers #Back2Lab
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Working with RNA requires rigorous nuclease contamination controls in place. Stock up on Nuclease-Free tubes tips and buffers #Back2Lab
Scientists have developed a model of the early stages of Alzheimer's disease in rhesus macaques to better test new treatments.
Researchers have developed a technique utilising antibodies to tag disease-causing proteins, to treat the underlying causes of disease.
Researchers have developed a CAR T-cell engineering technique to ensure that only cancer cells are targeted, leaving healthy cells alone in solid tumours.
Scientists have created the first model of early human embryos by reprogramming fibroblasts into a blastocyst-like structures.
Dr Ying Kai Chan discusses his latest research into how the delivery of AAV vectors for gene therapies can be made safer and more effective.
A novel machine learning method can explain how glycans stabilise proteins, aiding the discovery and design of protein-based drugs.
SARS-CoV-2 diverts building blocks from glucose production to the assembly of purine bases, researchers have found.
Using X-ray crystallography and simulations, researchers have shown that APT2 is a hybrid between a lipid carrier protein and a hydrolase.
A team has revealed a function of ADAR1, responsible for RNA editing, discovering an isoform used for cancer growth, making it a drug target.
Researchers have shown antibodies induced by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are less effective at neutralising certain SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Researchers have produced the first 3D image of the Mediator-bound pre-initiation complex, key in the regulation of gene expression.
Researchers have developed a new tool that can add or remove sugar from proteins, which could be used to treat currently "undruggable" targets.
Researchers have reported that nano-micelles can be used to efficiently deliver CRISPR-Cas9 to edit genes in the brains of mice.
New podcast on SARS-CoV-2 molecular testing: From human sample analysis to Wastewater Surveillance.