Positive results for DelMar’s VAL-083 in ovarian cancer
19 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Preclinical data demonstrate the effectiveness of VAL-083 against cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancers...
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19 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Preclinical data demonstrate the effectiveness of VAL-083 against cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancers...
19 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Within the framework of the collaboration, Nuevolution will apply its drug discovery platform Chemetics to discover and advance drug candidates...
16 October 2015 | By Victoria White
The scientists used novel genetic engineering tools to manipulate the genes required for antibiotic biosynthesis...
16 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have identified previously unknown genomic alterations leading to up-regulation of the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene (TERT). Overexpression of TERT is often associated with cancers and tumour formation...
15 October 2015 | By Victoria White
As part of the collaboration, Novera will discover and develop novel therapeutic compounds identified through OICR's drug discovery programme...
15 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have determined that the protein GPR3 might play an important role in alleviating the cognitive deficits of 'amyloid plaques'...
In this application note, learn how the manual MFI 5000 performs accurate particle analysis for viscous protein therapeutics, offering size, count and morphology...
Rapid analysis, platform methods and easy method development make the iCE3 ideal for analyzing biologics...
13 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have developed the first animal-free screening platforms capable of predicting the toxic effects of compounds on the human kidney accurately...
13 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Scientists have created a malaria protein with a toxin seeks out cancer cells. The protein is absorbed, the toxin released inside, and then the cancer cells die...
13 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have found that tamoxifen gives white blood cells a boost, better enabling them to respond to and kill bacteria in laboratory experiments...
Due to protein therapeutic complexity, techniques like isoelectric focusing have become indispensable tools in evaluating biologic preparations...
12 October 2015 | By Victoria White
International scientists across all disciplines are invited to come up with solutions to seven challenges which cover some of the most important unanswered questions in cancer research...
12 October 2015 | By Victoria White
The Dementia Consortium is a £3.5m drug discovery collaboration between Alzheimer’s Research UK, MRC Technology, Eisai, Lilly and now Astex...
Micro-Flow Imaging™ (MFI™) has new MVSS 4.0 software to classify particles across many biopharmaceutical samples easily and instantaneously...